Friday, December 10, 2010

About Dadaism

What is from Wikipedia
The cultural movement started in Zurich, Switzerland from 1916 to 1922.

Dadaism purposed to express anti-war, anti-bourgeois and anarchistic in nature by rebuilding any tropical art work. They divided different cultural works into a new one, and show us its new concept about anti-war or anti-bourgeois.Besides of these, Dadaism also influenced music, poetry,visual arts and graphic design. For example, later styles like surrealism, pop and punk rock.


What is my opinion

In my opinion, dadaisms advocate for the arts should be like a bomb, once killed, and should be disappearanced, not a single on this planet, and they insist on negate everything, destroy everything and overthrowing everything, these stuffs also show us a nihilist of a specific views. In addition, dadaism reflects the first world war to western some young people the anguish and blank of a state of mind.

My work


Friday, December 3, 2010

About Cubism

Pablo Picasso

What is from Wikipedia

Cubism, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, was a 20th century avant-garde art movement, revolutionized revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music and literature.


What is my own opinion

Broken, cracked, and parse regroup, just like in a puzzle, with one is regroup the pieces of patterns to express the central idea. From a number of cubism works we can see, the object to all angles to the vertical and horizontal lines, which showed a style of a two-dimensional perspective.
