Saturday, November 20, 2010

White Rabbit Gallery

Location: 30 Balfour St. Chippendale
Opening times : Thursday – Sunday
                             10am – 6pm
Entry fee: $0.
Theme of White Rabbit Gallery:
            Contemporary Chinese art produced after 2000.
History of White Rabbit Gallery:
             In late 1990s,the origins of the Collection  came when Judith Neilson engaged Wang Zhiyuan who  is a Chinese artist then living in Sydney, as her art tutor. He introduced her to the astonishing explosion of creativity taking place in China in the wake of the “Opening Up” that had begun in 1989. Mrs Neilson began buying works, but soon ran out of space to hang them. She and her husband then decided to open a gallery that would make the exciting world of contemporary Chinese art available to all Australians.
             The other hand, only a fraction of the Collection is on show at any time. And the entire contents of the gallery are rehung twice a year.

    It is a cloudy day, it's cool, and my first feeling about the gallery is cool. From outside of the gallery, we can see a modern building just like normal modern style, located may be USA, may be Europe, may be Australia,may be China. But while you go inside, it exactly made in China. Tea house, T-shirt and sculptures, you feel like in China at the moment. It should be highlight here is that those little stuffs on the old cart just in front of  reception, did you see? Really old, really impressive for us 80s generation. They makes me remember my childhood, fullfill with happiness and freedom...

My favourite art:
       Artist: Gade
       He was born in Lhasa, Tibet in 1971, lives and works in Tibet.Gade is half Chinese, but it’s the Tibetan tradition that he embraces, and “Tibet’s anonymous ancient artists” that he reveres. In his quiet way, however, he also rebels against the rigidly religious nature of tradition, and the chokehold it retains on many outsiders’ view of Tibet.
       At the first seeing this painting, it just looks like a pic in temple, as Tibet mysteric style. If you see carefully, there are lots of different kinds of stuffs in the painting, such as mobile phone, noodles, coffee, cup, poker and so on, nothing relevance. Actually i confused with this painting what exactly the artist want to express. Anyway, it still has glamour for me. Buddhism is really mystery and gorgeous. Whatever, it is good to keep believe in heart, right?

My least favourite art:
     Artist:Chen Chunmu
      He born in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province in 1981.Chen Chunmu says he is “soft and sensitive”, and his art shares the same qualities. Both are products of the moist, fertile climate of southern China.
      This serie of pictures is really ........ I know that art has no  criteria, but please let me ignore these picture. Because in picture, the skin of ostrich, or meaning women? is really disgusting.  The other side, artist used Chinese ink to draw the pic. In my opinion, he must be very good at drawing, the reason is that he can draw such vivid character though it is so nauseated, and Chinese ink is not that easy to control.

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